

Useful Launcher

Desktop Control from your SysTray by minimizing, killing or transparent visible windows-Show, hide Desktop icons, take Screen Shots, simulate WinLogoKey shortcuts-Get easy Screen Savers, Windows acces...

Manage Shortcuts


Canoniac Launcher

Use cannons, weapons, upgrades and bombs to launch yourself as far as you can. Earn cash, purchase upgrades and try again to reach even greater distances. Use Mouse to Aim and shoot. Good luck!...


Launcher Portable

Ever needed a portable file and application launcher? With our Launcher software, you can make it easier to manage shortcuts and launch programs on your own computer and on portable media like USB sti...


Skeleton Launcher

Launch skeleton with your cannon to help the chicken hatch out! Just use your mouse to play. Move the mouse to set your shooting angle, and click to fire. The further you aim, the more power your shot...


GO Launcher EX for Android

Extended version of GO Launcher, one of the most popular home application. GO Launcher Ex, the extended version of GO Launcher, is the most popular home app in Android Market....
