
Open source Java toolkit for Amazon S3

JetS3t Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Freeware
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • James Murty
  • Publisher web site:
  • Operating Systems:
  • Mac OS X
  • File Size:
  • 11.5 MB

JetS3t Tags

JetS3t Description

Open source Java toolkit for Amazon S3 JetS3t is a free, open-source Java toolkit and application suite for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).The JetS3t toolkit provides Java programmers with a powerful yet simple API for interacting with S3 and managing data stored there. There are also five applications included in the JetS3t suite:· Cockpit - An easy-to-use graphical application for transferring files, viewing and managing the contents of an Amazon S3 account.· Synchronize - A command-line application for synchronizing directories on your computer with an Amazon S3 account. Ideal for performing back-ups or synchronizing files between different computers.· Gatekeeper - A servlet that acts as an authorization service running on a Service Provider's server to mediate access to S3 accounts. It processes requests from client applications such as JetS3t Uploader & CockpitLite, and authorizes the client application to perform operations such as uploads, downloads and deletes.· CockpitLite - A graphical application that Service Providers with S3 accounts may provide to clients or customers without S3 accounts. CockpitLite allows users to manage the content of an S3 account to upload files, download files, delete S3 objects and make objects publicly accessible. All these operations are mediated by a Gatekeeper service.· Uploader - A graphical application that Service Providers with S3 accounts may provide to clients or customers without S3 accounts. Uploader allows users to upload files to S3 using a simple wizard-based workflow, but all uploads must first be authorized by a Gatekeeper service.NOTE: JetS3t is released and distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. Requirements: · S3 Amazon account. What's New in This Release: COCKPIT: · Added ability to view and manage Amazon CloudFront distributions using a dialog box. · Added support for configuring Requester Pays buckets. · Improved support for DevPay credentials, which can now be set and saved directly in the login dialog box instead of only in a properties file. · User preferences can now be remembered on your computer, so they do not need to be re-set every time you start Cockpit. · Improved dialog box for generating Signed URLs. URLs for multiple objects can now be generated at once. SYNCHRONIZE: · AWS credentials and the cryptographic password can now be provided via prompts on the command-line, rather than merely through a properties file. · Added the --credentials option, which allows AWS credentials to be loaded from an encrypted file rather than an insecure properties file. The encrypted file can be created with the AWSCredentials API or the Cockpit application. · Synchronize will act as an anonymous client if empty values are provided as the AWS access and secret keys. When the S3 connection is anonymous, only public buckets will be accessible. · Fixed a bug that prevented Synchronize from recognizing duplicate file names when uploading to an S3 subdirectory path when using the --batch option. · Synchronize will now prompt for HTTP Proxy login credentials if required. If proxy credentials are pre-specified in the file, you should not be prompted. · Improved handling of uploads of many files where the files must first be transformed (compressed or encrypted). In this case, files are now transformed and uploaded in batches, where the batch size is set by the setting 'upload.transformed-files-batch-size'. TOOLKIT General: · Added initial implementation of CloudFront service. · Added property "cloudfront-service.internal-error-retry-max" for defining the retry limit for CloudFront internal service errors. · Added support for configuring and accessing Requester Pays buckets. · Added property "httpclient.requester-pays-buckets-enabled" for defining whether the RestS3Service supports Requester Pays buckets by default. · Improved support for accessing S3 using DevPay credentials with a new credentials class for defining and storing these credentials: AWSDevPayCredentials · Added a class (AWSDevPayProduct) to represent a DevPay product, and to load information about pre-defined products from the properties file · Improved the interpretation of .jets3t-ignore files so that child paths or arbitrary paths can be specified and ignored. For example, to ignore all CVS directories you can now add a single ignore path at the top level: **/CVS. TOOLKIT REST Implementation: · Added support for proxy authentication settings in "proxy-user", "proxy-password", and "proxy-domain" · The service's HTTP proxy settings can be updated an reapplied on-demand using a range of #initHttpProxy methods. · Added property settings to allow the default HTTP and HTTPS ports to be changed, which can be handy when running the service through a proxy for · testing: s3service.s3-endpoint-http-port, s3service.s3-endpoint-https-port. · The HttpConnectionManager and HttpClient objects used by the REST service can now be reinitialised on-demand using the #initHttpConnection method. · The underlying HttpClient and HttpConnectionManager objects can be accessed to provide greater control and flexibility after a service is created. · The automatic time adjustment performed in response to RequestTimeTooSkewed errors will now work through proxies.

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