
BashBot project is IRC bot written in BASH.

BashBot Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • GPL
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Richard Whitty
  • Publisher web site:

BashBot Tags

BashBot Description

BashBot project is IRC bot written in BASH. BashBot project is a fork of bbots by Dave Crouse. It's an IRC bot written in BASH. In the days between writing that ntcpclient and the official bbots release, I had been playing with it for a few days (gave me an excuse to see what I could do with bash. This is more here in case anyone is curious (i.e. want to compare it to crouse's) I wouldn't actually recommend using it because I discovered a potential security hole.The Problem: If you get the bot to expand a variable, which has a control character in it, such as * or ` it can cause problems, because it gets expanded by the shell. You can hence do "!tell someone foo *" and it would sendPRIVMSG someone : foo < LIST OF FILES IN CURRENT DIRECTORY >Which is obviously a hazard. I would imagine it would be pretty bad if you started playing with `rm -rf /` or something.This seems to be something I introduced by having it expand the line when passing to the modules. This was to try and avoid having to do the string tokenisation in the modules themselves, hence allowing me to remove a lot of code.

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