123 Password

123 Password generates a different strong password for each site you visit by mixing: a) your master key, which you create by yourself, and b) a site key, which is automatically extracted from site UR

123 Password Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • Publisher Name:
  • tension7
  • Publisher web site:
  • https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/123-password/pahmlghhaoabdlhnkmmjbkcmdamjccjj

123 Password Tags

123 Password Description

123 Password will generate passwords on different websites for you 123 Password generates a different strong password for each site you visit by mixing: a) your master key, which you create by yourself, and b) a site key, which is automatically extracted from site URL. With 123 Password, you only need to remember your master key. The extension will give different passwords on different websites. The algorithm (HMAC + MD5) makes it very hard to guess your other passwords, even if one of them is compromised. The extension NEVER store any password key for you, so that security is protected even in case of hardware theft. The strong passwords generated by this extension are 20-characters long and consist of A-Z,a-z, and 0-9. You can resize the password for different sites and the extension will remember your settings.

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