POKLUDA Conversion

POKLUDA Conversion is a very helpful unit converter with more than 3,500 conversions between metric units and SI units

POKLUDA Conversion Ranking & Summary


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  • License:
  • Freeware
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  • File Size:
  • 310 KB

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POKLUDA Conversion Description

Advertisement POKLUDA Conversion is a Home & Education software developed by POKLUDA. After our trial and test, the software is proved to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for POKLUDA Conversion: Very helpful program for more than 3,500 conversions between metric units and SI units. You can convert length, volume, weight, temperature, surface, Density, power, pressure, work, efficiency, angle, time, speed and flows. Controls: When you start the program you will see a dialog with Tabs on top. Choose the TAB according to the your conversion. Enter the input value (control number 1) and the input type (control number 2). Now it is enough to choose the target type (control number 3) and the program will do the rest and convert the input value.

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