
Play a math puzzle game.

Mental4 Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Freeware
  • Operating Systems:
  • Windows Vista Windows XP
  • File Size:
  • 491.8k

Mental4 Tags

Mental4 Description

Mental4 is a game of adding and subtracting. Object: of the game is to match numbers as two pairs or a three of a kind. For example: two 10s and two 6s. Structure: A game is five puzzles. Their scores are added together as a game-score which is added to the score-table. Method: Left-click two numbers. The smaller number is subtracted from the larger number and added to the smaller number. In other words, the smaller number is doubled at the expense of the larger number. You keep doing this until you get either two pairs or a triad. Then the score is added to the game-score and the puzzle resets. Scoring: Then you get three of a king, their values are added together and the fourth number is subtracted. At the bottom-right of the picture, you can see the SUM of the four numbers.A bonus: If you were fortunate enough to make four of a kind, you would score a huge bonus your score is multiplied by seven. This version is the first release on CNET

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