Reads in a greyscale bitmap file and translates it into .c5v file

BMP2CAM Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Freeware
  • Publisher Name:
  • Markleford Friedman
  • Operating Systems:
  • Windows All
  • File Size:
  • 57 KB


BMP2CAM Description

The BMP2CAM application was designed to be a small command line tool that reads in a greyscale bitmap file and translates it into a Camel Audio CA5000 Cameleon voice file (.c5v) for import. Bitmaps must be 256-level (8-bit) greyscale and are 64 pixels across. Each of these pixels in width represent a harmonic in series, 1..64, from left to right. A white pixel in a slot means the harmonic is played at maximum amplitude. If it's black, it's silent. Varying levels of grey mean different levels of volume. Together, this row of pixels forms an additive spectrum. Bitmaps can be up to 128 pixels tall. Each of these rows of pixels is a snapshot in time, going from bottom to top. The snapshots sequenced together are morphed in the form of an envelope, creating a constantly evolving harmonic soundscape! If you drag and drop a bitmap onto the exe, it will create a .c5v voice file with the same base name as the bitmap file. All parameters will be set to default. However, if you want to get more interesting results, you have to dig deeper! There are a lot of command-line options at your disposal. You can always type 'bmp2cam -h' to get this help menu. Usage: bmp2cam foo.bmp -h print this help -tN truncate at N harmonics (default 64) -iN Envelope intervals at N seconds (0.1..8.0, default 0.3 sec) -bN sync to N bpm (default off (uses -i instead)) -pN plateau interval length N% (default 0% == off) -dN decimate: mute random N% of harmonics read (default 0%) -rN generate random values for N% of harmonics (default 0%) -zN Cut noise threshold at N% (default 0%, before normalization) -nN Normalize values to N% max (default 40%) -fN Frequency delta factor of N (default 5, 0 == off) -v be verbose (-V: include harmonic dump as well) For example, use a blank bitmap (like the included "silent64.bmp") to create an entirely randomized wave-sequenced voice: bmp2cam -r20 -p85 blank.bmp Of course, the output voice will be named "blank.bmp", so you'd have to rename it!

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