United Kingdom Prayer Timings

Get accurate prayer timings for the major cities of United Kingdom....

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United Kingdom Prayer Timings Description

Get accurate prayer timings for the major cities of United Kingdom. United Kingdom prayer timings is an app to get the latest prayer timings for the major cities of United Kingdom. Timings are updated daily on our server. Accurate prayer timings are available for the following cities: Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Sheffield. Swipe screens left and right to navigate between the cities. Press Share button to share the prayer times for your city on Facebook, Twitter, Email and many more platforms. Press menu and refresh to update the timings. More features and other cities coming soon. Please send us your suggestions and feedback at info@kookydroid.com . *This free version of the app contains ads. Ads are not visible in the screenshots. ************IMPORTANT NOTICE************ This application uses Google Analytics to track application usage and the city from where the application is used. No data is tracked which can personally identify you. By using this application you agree to the terms that you are allowing this anonymous data statistics. Option to opt out from this will be added in the future releases. The usage statistics are purely for the enhancements of the application are not given away to any other third party. **************************************************

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