igraph library

Library for creating and manipulating graphs

igraph library Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • GPL
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Gabor Csardi and Tamas Nepusz
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://cneurocvs.rmki.kfki.hu/igraph/download.html
  • Operating Systems:
  • Mac OS X
  • File Size:
  • 1.5 MB

igraph library Tags

igraph library Description

Library for creating and manipulating graphs igraph is a free software package for creating and manipulating undirected and directed graphs. igraph includes implementations for classic graph theory problems like minimum spanning trees and network flow, and also implements algorithms for some recent network analysis methods, like community structure search.igraph can handle graphs with millions of vertices and edges thanks to its efficient implementation. The rule of thumb is that if your graph fits into the physical memory then igraph can handle it. Here are some key features of "igraph library": · igraph contains functions for generating regular and random graphs according to many algorithms and models from the network theory literature. · igraph provides routines for manipulating graphs, adding and removing edges and vertices. · You can assign numeric or textual attribute to the vertices or edges of the graph, like edge weights or textual vertex ids. · A rich set of functions calculating various structural properties, eg. betweenness, PageRank, k-cores, network motifs, etc. are also included. · Force based layout generators for small and large graphs · The R package and the Python module can visualize graphs many ways, in 2D and 3D, interactively or non-interactively. · igraph provides data types for implementing your own algorithm in C, R, Python or Ruby. · Community structure detection algorithms using many recently developed heuristics. · igraph can read and write many file formats, e.g., GraphML, GML or Pajek. · igraph contains efficient functions for deciding graph isomorphism and subgraph isomorphism · It also contains an implementation of the push/relabel algorithm for calculating maximum network flow, and this way minimum cuts, vertex and edge connectivity. · igraph is well documented both for users and developers. · igraph is open source and distributed under GNU GPL. Requirements: · libxml2 library · R project · Python What's New in This Release: · Added progress bar support to beweenness() and betweenness.estimate(), layout.drl() · Speeded up betweenness estimation · Speeded up are.connected() · Johnson's shortest paths algorithm added · shortest.paths() has now an 'algorithm' argument to choose from the various implementations manually · Always quote symbolic vertex names when printing graphs or edges · Average nearest neighbor degree calculation, graph.knn() · Weighted degree (also called strength) calculation, graph.strength() · Some new functions to support bipartite graphs: graph.bipartite(), is.bipartite(), get.indicence(), graph.incidence(), bipartite.projection(), bipartite.projection.size() · Support for plotting curved edges with plot.igraph() and tkplot() · Added support for weighted graphs in alpha.centrality() · Added the label propagation community detection algorithm by Raghavan et al., label.propagation.community() · cohesive.blocks() now has a 'cutsetHeuristic' argument to choose between two cutset algorithms · Added a function to "unfold" a tree, unfold.tree() · New tkplot() arguments to change the drawing area · Added a minimal GUI, invoke it with tkigraph() · The DrL layout generator, layout.drl() has a three dimensional mode now. Bugs corrected in the R interface: · Fixed a bug in VF2 graph isomorphism functions · Fixed a bug when a sparse adjacency matrix was requested in get.adjacency() and the graph was named · VL graph generator in degree.sequence.game() checks now that the sum of the degrees is even · Many fixes for supporting various compilers, e.g. GCC 4.4 and Sun's C compiler · Fixed memory leaks in graph.automorphisms(), Bellman-Ford shortest.paths(), independent.vertex.sets() · Fix a bug when a graph was imported from LGL and exported to NCOL format (#289596) · cohesive.blocks() creates its temporary file in the session temporary directory · write.graph() and read.graph() now give error messages when unknown arguments are given · The GraphML reader checks the name of the attributes to avoid adding a duplicate 'id' attribute · It is possible to change the 'ncv' ARPACK parameter for leading.eigenvector.community() · Fixed a bug in path.length.hist(), 'unconnected' was wrong for unconnected and undirected graphs · Better handling of attribute assingment via iterators, this is now also clarified in the manual · Better error messages for unknown vertex shapes · Make R package unload cleanly if unloadNamespace() is used · Fixed a bug in plotting square shaped vertices (#325244) · Fixed a bug in graph.adjacency() when the matrix is a sparse matrix of class "dgTMatrix" New in the C layer: · Added progress bar support to igraph_betweenness() and igraph_betweenness_estimate(), igraph_layout_drl() · Speeded up igraph_betweenness_estimate(), igraph_get_eid(), igraph_are_connected(), igraph_get_eids() · Added igraph_get_eid2() · Johnson's shortest path algorithm added: igraph_shortest_paths_johnson() · Average nearest neighbor degree calculation, igraph_avg_nearest_neighbor_degree() · Weighted degree (also called strength) calculation, igraph_strength() · Some functions to support bipartite graphs: igraph_full_bipartite(), igraph_bipartite_projection(), igraph_create_bipartite(), igraph_incidence(), igraph_get_incidence(), igraph_bipartite_projection_size(), igraph_is_bipartite() · Added the label propagation community detection algorithm by Raghavan et al., igraph_community_label_propagation() · Added an example that shows how to set the random number generator's seed from C (examples/simple/random_seed.c) · Added a function to "unfold" a tree, igraph_unfold_tree() · C attribute handler updates: added functions to query many vertices/edges at once · Three dimensional DrL layout, igraph_layout_drl_3d() Bugs corrected in the C layer: · Fixed a bug in igraph_isomorphic_function_vf2(), affecting all VF2 graph isomorphism functions · VL graph generator in igraph_degree_sequence_game() checks now that the sum of the degrees is even · Many small corrections to make igraph compile with Microsoft Visual Studio 2003, 2005 and 2008 · Many fixes for supporting various compilers, e.g. GCC 4.4 and Sun's C compiler · Fix a bug when a graph was imported from LGL and exported to NCOL format (#289596) · Fixed memory leaks in igraph_automorphisms(), igraph_shortest_paths_bellman_ford(), igraph_independent_vertex_sets() · The GraphML reader checks the name of the attributes to avoid adding a duplicate 'id' attribute · It is possible to change the 'ncv' ARPACK parameter for igraph_community_leading_eigenvector() · Fixed a bug in igraph_path_length_hist(), 'unconnected' was wrong for unconnected and undirected graphs.

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