
WWW::Facebook::API::Auth is a Perl module for Facebook authentication.

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  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • David Romano
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~unobe/WWW-Facebook-API-v0.4.7/lib/WWW/Facebook/API/Profile.pm

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WWW::Facebook::API::Auth Description

WWW::Facebook::API::Auth is a Perl module for Facebook authentication. WWW::Facebook::API::Auth is a Perl module for Facebook authentication.SYNOPSIS use WWW::Facebook::API;SUBROUTINES/METHODScreate_token() auth.createToken of the Facebook API. Will always return the token string, regardles of the parse setting in WWW::Facebook::API: $token = $client->auth->create_token;get_session( $token ) auth.getSession of the Facebook API. If you have the desktop attribute set to true and $token isn't passed in, the return value from $client->auth->create_token will be used. If the desktop attribute is set to false the $token must be the auth_token returned from Facebook to your web app for that user: if ( $q->param('auth_token') ) { $client->auth->get_session( $q->param('auth_token') ); } get_session automatically sets session_uid, session_key, and session_expires for $client. It returns nothing.login( sleep => $sleep , browser => $browser_cmd ) Only for desktop apps. It first calls create_token to get a valid token. It then opens the user's default browser and have them sign in to the Facebook application. If browser is passed in, the module will use that string as the command to execute, e.g.: system qq($browser_cmd "$login_url"); After the browser is called, it will pause for $sleep seconds (or 15 seconds if $sleep is not defined), to give the user time to log in. The method returns the session token created by create_token.logout() Sends a POST to http://www.facebook.com/logout.php, with the parameter "confirm" set to 1 (Cf. http://developers.facebook.com/documentation.php?v=1.0&doc=auth )PRIVATE METHODS_use_http_uri() Makes the WFA object's server URI scheme http. Uses _flip_scheme._use_https_uri() Makes the WFA object's server URI scheme https. Uses _flip_scheme._flip_scheme( $make_https ) If $make_https is true, the scheme becomes https. If false, the scheme becomes http. The WFA object's server_uri attribute is then set to use that scheme.DIAGNOSTICSToken needed for call to get_session You are running a desktop app and you did not pass a token into get_session. You can create a token by calling create_token() or (better) login(). You are running a web app and the user hasn't logged in to Facebook for your web app. When the user does so, an auth_token will be returned (as a parameter) to your callback url. Use that auth_token for the session.Don't know how to open browser for the system %s The module doesn't know the command to use to open a browser on the given system. If you passed in browser to login(), it can use that string as the command to execute to open the login url.Cannot use login method with web app The login() method is not able to be used to sign in when using a web app. See the Facebook TOS A.9.iv. Requirements: · Perl · version · Crypt::SSLeay · Digest::MD5 · JSON::Any · Time::HiRes · LWP::UserAgent

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