
TipJar::MTA is an outgoing SMTP with exponential random backoff.

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  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • David Nicol
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~davidnico/TipJar-MTA-0.21/MTA.pm

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TipJar::MTA Description

TipJar::MTA is an outgoing SMTP with exponential random backoff. TipJar::MTA is an outgoing SMTP with exponential random backoff.SYNOPSIS use TipJar::MTA '/var/spool/MTA'; # must be a writable -d # defaults to ./MTAdir $TipJar::MTA::interval='100'; # the default is 17 $TipJar::MTA::TimeStampFrequency='35'; # the default is 200 $TipJar::MTA::AgeBeforeDeferralReport=7000; # default is 4 hours $TipJar::MTA::MyDomain='peanut.af.mil'; # defaults to `hostname` # bouces to certain matching addresses can be suppressed. @TipJar::MTA::NoBounceRegexList = map { qr/$_/} ( '^MDA-bounce-recipient@tipjar.com$', '^RAPNAP+challenge+sent+to+.+==.+@pay2send.com$' ); # And away we go, TipJar::MTA::run(); # logging to /var/spool/MTA/log/currentalternately, use TipJar::MTA '/var/spool/MTA', 'nodns'; # we are sending to # a restricted set of domains # or using a smarthost %TipJar::MTA::SMTProutes = ( SMARTHOST => 'smtp_outbound.internal', # smarthost for forwarding, can be a list too 'example.com' => # mail to example.com will be randomly routed through these three , 'example.net' => 'bad-dog.example.net' # all mail to example.net goes to bad-dog );On startup, we identify the base directory and make sure we can write to it, check for and create a few subdirectories, check if there is an MTA already running and stop if there is, so that TipJar::MTA can be restarted from cron.We are not concerned with either listening on port 25 or with local delivery. This module implements outgoing SMTP with exponentially deferred random backoffs on temporary failure. Future delivery scheduling is determined by what directory a message appears in. File age, according to stat(), is used to determine repeated deferral.We reuse a socket to a domain if we had trouble connecting to the MX for that domain in the past, or for multiple new messages going to the same domain. We also cache 4XX and 5XX error codes on recipients for four hours to eliminate a mess of traffic when, for instance, we have to bounce many messages to the same bogus return address. We will get a "550 User Unknown" error on the first bounce and throw away the others.Every $interval seconds, we fork a child process.A new child process first goes through all new outbound messages and expands them into individual messages and tries to send them. New messages are to be formatted with the return address on the first line, then recipient addresses on subsequent lines, then a blank line (rather, a line with no @ sign), then the body of the message. The TipJar::MTA::queue module will help compose such files if needed.Messages are rewritten into multiple messages when they are for multiple recipients, and then attempted in the order that the recipients appeared in the file.After attempting new messages, a child process attempts all messages in the "immediate" directory.After attempting all messages in the immediate directory, a child process moves deferred messages whose times have arrived into the immediate directory for processing by later children.Deferred messages are stored in directories named according to when a message is to be reattempted. Reattempt times are assigned at requeueing time to be now plus between three and five quarters of the message age. Messages more than a week old are not reattempted. An undeliverable message that got the maximum deferrment after getting attempted just shy of the one-week deadline could conceivably be attempted for the final time fifteen and three quarters days after it was originally enqueued. Then it would be deleted.An array of regular expressions can be specified, and if any of them match the sender of a bouncing message, the bouncing is suppressed, so you don't have to waste time with bounce messages from bad addresses you're sending challenges to for instance.Requirements:· Perl Requirements: · Perl

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