
Access Sprint's Network APIs Through Python

SprintKit Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • MIT/X Consortium Lic...
  • Publisher Name:
  • Eric Miller
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~emiller/SNMP-Info-1.04/Info/Airespace.pm

SprintKit Tags

SprintKit Description

Access Sprint's Network APIs Through Python SprintKit is a Python module that allows developers to add mobile functionality to their Python apps by providing easy access to the Sprint Developer Sandbox. The Sprint Developer Sandbox is a REST based gateway to Sprint's network services including; Location, SMS, MMS, Presence, and Geo-Fences.Basic access to the Developer Sandbox is FR$$, so get signed-up and let's see what you can build!InstallationSprintKit can be found on the Python Package Index (PyPI) and installed over the Internet using either pip or Setuptool's easy_install. I prefer Pip because it handles dependencies and provides an unistall mechanism.The installation process has only been tested on Linux and Mac OSX. Since http-parser is a C exstension module you need a gcc compiler and the Python headers to build and install it. This isn't as scary as it seems and works out of the box on Mac, but you might have to install a few more things on your Linux machine. For instance if you are using a Debian based distro you will need the python-dev package as well as build-essential.You might be able to get this all working under Windows (cygwin would probably be the easiest), but I haven't tried it.Pip (the easy way)Installing SprintKit using pip is the easiest way to get up and going quickly, but first you need make sure you have a recent version of distribute installed:curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.pysudo python distribute_setup.pyeasy_install pipNote: if you don't have curl installed you can use wget instead.Once you have pip, the rest is easy. It will install all of SprintKit's run-time dependencies for you:pip install sprintkitI like to put everything in a Virtualenv to keep my dependency problems to a minimum and make my Python environments repeatable. So, assuming you have virtualenv installed, here is what the full install process looks like:pip install virtualenvvirtualenv --no-site-packages --distribute sprintenvcd sprintenvsource bin/activatepip install sprintkit Requirements: · Python · restkit · http-parser

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