
Plugin::Installer's goal is to provide a simple, flexable interface for developing plugin languages.

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  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Steven Lembark
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Plugin::Installer Description

Plugin::Installer's goal is to provide a simple, flexable interface for developing plugin languages. Plugin::Installer's goal is to provide a simple, flexable interface for developing plugin languages.SYNOPSIS package Myplugin; use base qw( Plugin::Installer Plugin::Language::Foobar ); ... my $plugin = Myplugin->construct; # frobnicate is passed first to Plugin::Installer # via AUTOLOAD, then to P::L::Foobar's compile # method. if what comes back from the compiler is # a referent it is intalled in the P::L::F namespace # and if it is a code referent it is dispatched. $plugin->frobnicate;The goal of this module is to provide a simple, flexable interface for developing plugin languages. Any language that can store its object data as a hash and implement a "compile" method that takes the method name as an argument can use this class. The Plugin framework gives runtime compile, install, and dispatch of user-defined code. The code doesn't have to be Perl, just something that the object handling it can compile.The installer is language-agnostic: in fact it has no idea what the object does with the name passed to its compioer. All it does is (by default) install a returned reference and dispatch coderefs. This is intended as a convienence class that standardizes the top half of any plugin language.Note that any referent returned by the compiler is installed. Handing back a hashref can deposit a hash into the caller's namespace. This allows for plugins to handle command line switches (via GetoptFoo and a hashref) or manipulate queues (by handing back an arrayref.By default coderefs are dispatched via goto, which allows the obvious use of compiling the plugin to an anonymous sub for later use. This make the plugins something of a trampoline object, with the exception that the "trampolines" are the class' methods rather than the object itself. Requirements: · Perl

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