
PDContainer is a library that was made for algorithmic composition and of course for all other algorithms.

PDContainer Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • GPL
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Georg Holzmann
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://grh.mur.at/

PDContainer Tags

PDContainer Description

PDContainer is a library that was made for algorithmic composition and of course for all other algorithms. PDContainer is a library that was made for algorithmic composition and of course for all other algorithms. The author had problems with making bigger musical structures in PD with send-receive pairs, arrays, etc. This way he tried to make it possible, to have access to some storage in a whole patch.DATASTRUCTURES:As storage datastructures there were implemented the C++ STL (Standard Template Library) Containers in PD. Currently following datastructures are available (prefixed with h_): h_map, h_multimap, h_set, h_multiset, h_vector, h_list, h_deque, h_queue, h_priority_queue and h_stack.NAMESPACES:For communication the author used namespaces. Every Container with the same namespace (and the same container type) has access to the same data. So you can modify and get this data everywhere in the patch. For local namespaces use names with $0.DATATYPES:In the containers you can save all of the PD build-in datatypes: lists, floats, symbols and pointers - so it can be also used for the PD graphical datastructures.SAVE/LOAD:All the data of all containers can be saved to disk as XML or textfile. So you can also manually edit the file with an editor (which is sometimes much faster) and then load it in PD into a container. You can also load data from other containers.Please use the XML fileformat if possible, because it's easier to edit in an external editor and the XML parser is much more stable.Requirements:· PD Requirements: · PD

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