
CPAN Testers Uploads Database Generator

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CPAN::Testers::Data::Uploads Tags

CPAN::Testers::Data::Uploads Description

CPAN Testers Uploads Database Generator CPAN::Testers::Data::Uploads is a Perl module that allows the user to create, update and backup the uploads database, either as separate commands, or a combination of all three. The process order will always be CREATE->UPDATE->BACKUP, regardless of the order the options appear on the command line.The Uploads database contains basic information about the history of CPAN. It records the release dates of everything that is uploaded to CPAN, both within a BACKPAN repository, a current CPAN repository and the latest uploads posted by PAUSE, which may not have yet reached the CPAN mirrors.A simple schema for the MySQL database is below: CREATE TABLE `uploads` ( `type` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `author` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `dist` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `version` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `released` int(16) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`author`,`dist`,`version`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;The 'type' field can be one of three values, 'backpan', 'cpan' or 'upload', which incates whether the release has been archived to BACKPAN, currently on CPAN or has recently been uploaded and may not have reached the CPAN mirrors yet.The 'author', 'dist', 'version' and 'filename' fields contain the breakdown of the distribution component parts used to locate the distribution. Although in most cases the filename could be considered a primary key, it is possible that two or more authors could upload a distribution with the same name.The 'released' field holds the date of the distribution release as the number of seconds since the epoch. This is extremely useful for sorting distributions based on their release date rather than the version string. Due to many authors having different version schemes, this is perhaps the only reliable method with which to sort distribution releases.SYNOPSIS perl --config=< file > Requirements: · Perl

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