
Hang out inside of your application

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  • Perl Artistic License
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Scott Walters
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Acme::MUDLike Description

Hang out inside of your application Acme::MUDLike is a Perl module to hang out inside of your application.Multi user chat, general purpose object tracer, eval, and give/drop/take/clone/dest/look.Adds a social element to software development and develop it from within. Chat within the application, eval code inside of it (sort of like a simple Read-Eval-Parse Loop). Call methods in objects from the command line. Create instances of objects, give them to people, drop them on the floor.The idea is take the simple command line interface and extend it with more commands, and to create tools and helper objects that inspect and modify the running program from within.It fires up a Continuity/HTTP::Daemon based Web server on port 2000 and prints out a login URL on the command line. Paste the URL into your browser. Chat with other users logged into the app. Messages beginning with a slash, /, are interpreted as commands:/look See who else and what else is in the room./mark /mark 1 /mark torch /mark foo::bar /mark 0x812ea54 Select an object as the logical current object by name, package name, number (as a position in your inventory list, which is useful for when you've cloned an object that does not define an id or name function), or by memory address (as in Foo::Bar=HASH(0x812ea54))./call Call a function in an object; eg, if you're holding a toaster, you can write: /call toaster add_bread 1 The special name "current" refers to the current object, as marked with mark./eval Executes Perl. $self is your own player object. $self->inventory is an Acme::MUDLike::inventory object with delete, insert, named, apply, and contents methods. $self->environment is also an Acme::MUDLike::inventory object holding you and other players and objects in the room. The environment and players in it all have tell_object methods that takes a string to add to their message buffer. Calling tell_object in the environment sends the message to all players. Objects define various other methods./who List of who is logged in. Currently the same /look./inventory Or /i or /inv. Lists the items you are carrying./clone Creates an instance of an object given a package name. Eg: /clone sword/take Pick up an item from the floor (the room) and place it in your inventory. Or alternatively /take item from player to take something from someone./drop Drop an item on the floor./give Eg: /give sword to scrottie Transfers an object to another player./dest Destroys an object instance.SYNOPSIS use Acme::MUDLike; my $server = Acme::MUDLike->new; # ... your code here $server->loop; # or call the Event or AnyEvent event loopConnect to the URL provided and cut and paste into the text box: /eval package sword; our @ISA = qw/Acme::MUDLike::object/; sub new { my $pack = shift; $pack->SUPER::new(name=>"sword", @_); } /clone sword /i /call sword name wee, fun! oh, hai everyone! /eval no strict "refs"; join '', map "$_ ", keys %{"main::"}; /call Acme::MUDLike::player=HASH(0x8985e10) name Requirements: · Perl

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