
web-archive-creator can be used to join the power of wget and the usability of the .war format, which Konqueror is able to brows

web-archive-creator Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • GPL v3
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Ralf Beckesch
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://wrb.beckesch-it.de/old/doku.php?id=dev:hacked:web-archive-creator

web-archive-creator Tags

web-archive-creator Description

web-archive-creator can be used to join the power of wget and the usability of the .war format, which Konqueror is able to brows web-archive-creator can be used to join the power of wget and the usability of the .war format, which Konqueror is able to browse. The Web ARrchive format is simply a tarred and gzipped file containing the Web files. The web-archive-creator script performs the download with wget and writes an index.html linking to the starting pages/URLs wget fetched.Usage:$ web-archive-creator -hweb-archive-creatorA small script to create a _Web _ARchive file using wget to download the siteweb-archive-creator # surprise: print this help # enable debugging output # be verbose to the screen FILENAME.war # required! -some -wget -options .. -- ] # important trailing '--' ! LOGFILE # write verbose output to LOGFILE! # print version and exit http://www.url1.org ... http://finaly-one-more-url.net # one url at least.Examples:Download only the given URLs web-archive-creator -o WAR_FILE.war http://ulr1.org/hello.html http://url2.net/some/dir/file.php http://ulr3.tv/file.htmlDownload only the given URLs, but be verbose web-archive-creator -v -o WAR_FILE.war http://ulr1.org/hello.html http://url2.net/some/dir/file.php http://ulr3.tv/file.htmlDownload only the given URLs and all refernced pages, so dig one link in depth web-archive-creator -v -o WAR_FILE.war -W -r -l 1 -- http://ulr1.org/hello.html http://url2.net/some/dir/file.php http://ulr3.tv/file.htmlDownload only the given URLs and all refernced pages, so dig one link in depth. Span to links != originating host! web-archive-creator -v -o WAR_FILE.war -W -H -r -l 1 -- http://ulr1.org/hello.html http://url2.net/some/dir/file.php You see, you can give parameters to wget directly, using -W parm1 parm2 ..parmN –What's New in This Release:· tidied up coderewritten and moved to a shell function· local file recognition· writing index.html· wget calloptions· -t|--tempdir: choose other temporary directory than sytsem variable $TMP· -T|--type: choose archive type to create function not implemented yet!!!· konqueror|kon → Konqueror· mozilla|moz → Mozilla· -o|–outputfile: is no more mandatory. If an explicit filename is missing, an archive will be created in $TMP named $(basename $0)-$($DATE +%Y%m%d)-$($DATE +%H%M%S)

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