
vieW4 (short from vienna World Wide Web Workgroups) is a collaboration server based on Zope.

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  • GPL
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  • FREE
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  • vieW4 Team
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vieW4 Description

vieW4 (short from vienna World Wide Web Workgroups) is a collaboration server based on Zope. vieW4 (short from vienna World Wide Web Workgroups) is a collaboration server based on Zope.This program allows a group of people to share documents, discuss them and search for previous released documents in major formats.A lot of powerful tools give the members of the group the required assistance for project-oriented and distributed working. vieW4 is based on the open source software Zope wich was customized to fit our in-house needs. The primary goal was to create a versatile solution incorporating all the essentials of group-oriented working in one simply-to-use application. vieW4 integrates and links documents in various file formats, projects, appointments, email communication and more and acts as a replacement for existing office based solutions.Within user-defined workgroups, tasks can be defined, created and assigned to workgroup members. Tasks can then be prioritized and tracked to avoid missing deadlines. Project-related documents can be created, edited, changed and versionized. These documents are shared within a workgroup and each member can access them and discuss them with other members. Modifications of tasks, projects or documents are reproduceable and can be announced through mailing lists on request.vieW4 is part of an expandable platform which also allows for the integration of a content management system (CMS). In later releases we are planning to merge both "workgrouping" (vieW4) and CMS to represent the whole live cycle from creation to publication and beyond of documents and objects evolving from group working.Requirements:· Python version 2.1.3· Zope version 2.6.xSetting up a vieW4 instance1) Create a user and a group for your vieW4 instance. # groupadd zope # useradd -g zope zope2) The script bin/mkvieW4instance does all neccessary steps to create a vieW4 instance. # cd /opt/vieW4-$VERSION # ./mkvieW4instanceUsage:mkvieW4instance ] INSTANCE_DIR -m Setup the w4worker to be master. -z Setup client to connect to a zeo server at host:port -u Use user (and optional group) as owner for the instance -p Listen on specified port # ./mkvieW4instance -p 8080 -u zope:zope /opt/vieW4 Creating vieW4 instance in /opt/vieW4 ... Setting parameter Linking zope.conf -> zope.zeoclient.conf Setting owner/group (zope:zope)Done!3) Create symlinks in /etc/init.d # cd /etc/init.d # ln -s /opt/vieW4/bin/zopectl vieW4 # ln -s /opt/vieW4/bin/workerctl vieW4_worker 4) To start your instance on boot add it to runlevels 2-5. # chkconfig --level 2345 vieW4 on # chkconfig --level 2345 vieW4_worker on5) You can now start your instance. # service vieW4 start6) Open http://localhost:8080/manage in your browser (default user/password = admin/admin)7) Create a 'VieW4 Site'.8) After successful creating your VieW4 site start the worker daemon. # service vieW4_worker start.9) If you use logrotate, copy /opt/vieW4/tools/logrotate_client to /etc/logrotate.d # cp /opt/vieW4/tools/logrotate_client /etc/logrotate.d/vieW410) If you want to use mailin (send mails to vieW4) see extras/README how to setup w4deliver.

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