
Manage an app for TiddlySpace

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  • Other/Proprietary Li...
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Chris Dent
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~cdent/Kwiki-Test-0.03/lib/Kwiki/Test.pm

tsapp Tags

tsapp Description

tsapp is a Python tool for creating browser-based applications for use with TiddlySpace. Such applications are made of one or more html files along with one or more CSS and JavaScript files for presenting and access the tiddler data that lives in TiddlySpace.The combination can be very useful for rapid development of web applications that need a persistent but simple data store with a clean, robust API.Install_This part is not yet true as the code has not been released to pypi yet. In the meantime clone the repo to access the files._tsapp is a Python 2 based tool. You will need a Python installation (2.5 and above). pip is used for installation. If you don't have pip you can learn how to get it here.pip install -U tsappOnce installed the tsapp script should be on your $PATH.Commandstsapp provides a single script that takes multiple commands. Running tsapp help will list the relevant commands. The following lists available commands. Those commands which are not yet completed are marked with TBC.inittsapp init < app name >Create an app directory named whatever you give you for . Inside the directory will be a stub index.html file and an assets directory. index.html is used as the primary access page of your app. JavaScript, CSS, and other files go in assets.servetsapp serveRun a local web server that will serve up your HTML file and other assets. Any assets which are not found locally will be looked for at the target TiddlySpace server (see configuration below). Paths to /bags/< somebag >/tiddlers/< sometiddler > will first try to load assets/< sometiddler > locally. If that is not found, then the original path will be looked up on the TiddlySpace server.The proxy server will always send PUT, POST and DELETE requests to the target server.The goal with this arrangement is to allow the local files to not have to change when pushed to the target server for eventual hosting.pushtsapp push Push (via HTTP PUT) all the local assets to the target server, in the bag named by < bag name >. If the bag does not end with _private or _public, then _public will be appended.Files that have a .html or .tid extension on the source file will have the extension removed on the target.authtsapp auth < username >Authenticate to the target_server as username and write the resulting auth token to the local directory's configuration file.deletetsapp delete < bag name > < tiddler title >A convenience method for removing a tiddler that's ended up on the server that is no longer needed and may be in the way.Configurationtsapp looks for a .tsapp configuration file in the current user's $HOME and in the current directory. $HOME/.tsapp overrides defaults and ./.tsapp overrides $HOME/.tsapp. There is no requirement for a configuration file in the home directory if one is not desired. However, in order for the push command to work, a .tsapp containing an auth_token must be found. The auth command will create one. The fields are:target_serverThe URL (without trailing /) of the home tiddlyspace server. Defaults to http://tiddlyspace.com.local_hostThe hostname or IP to which to bind the local proxy. Default is port to which to bind the local proxy. Default is 8080.auth_tokenAuth secret for accessing private resources on the target server. No default. Set it with the auth command or copy in the tiddlyweb_user cookie.Product's homepage

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