
Python wrapper around the Saucelabs REST API

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  • License:
  • The Apache License 2.0
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Mathieu Sabourin
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python-saucerest Description

python-saucerest is a Python wrapper around the Saucelabs REST API.InstallMake sure you have python and pip.Go ahead and install python-saucerestpip install python-saucerestWritting a scriptimport saucelabs.saucerest as saucerestsauce = saucerest.SauceRest( username="sauce-username", password="sauce-access-key", )print "\033))print "\033, {'name': 'updated_job'}))print "\033))print "\033])print "\033[33m10%s tests have been run at sauce.\033[0m\n\n" % repr(sauce.sauce_counter())Supported MethodsRest Node WrapperGET /users/:usernameAccess account details. account_details()GET /:username/limitsAccess account limits account_limits()GET /:username/activityAccess current account activity. account_activity()GET /users/:username/usageAccess historical account usage data. account_usage()GET /:username/jobsList all job Id's belonging to a given user. list_jobs(full=False)full: When true, forces full job information to be returned rather than just Id's.GET /:username/jobs/:idShow the full information for a job given its ID. show_job(id)PUT /:username/jobs/:idChanges a pre-existing job. update_job(id, data)PUT /:username/jobs/:id/stopTerminates a running job. stop_job(id, data)GET /:username/tunnelsRetrieves all running tunnels for a given user. list_tunnels()GET /:username/tunnels/:idShow the full information for a tunnel given its ID. show_tunnel(id)DELETE /:username/tunnels/:idShuts down a tunnel given its ID. delete_tunnel(id)GET /info/statusReturns the current status of Sauce Labs' services. sauce_status()GET /info/browsersReturns an array of strings corresponding to all the browsers currently supported on Sauce Labs. sauce_browsers()GET /info/counterReturns the number of test executed so far on Sauce Labs. sauce_counter()POST /users/:idCreate a new sub-account. ...POST /users/:id/subscriptionUpdate a sub-account Sauce Labs service plan. ...DELETE /users/:id/subscriptionUnsubscribe a sub-account from it's Sauce Labs service plan. ...More DocumentationCheck out the Sauce REST API for more informationProduct's homepage

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