
A Django plugin for py.test

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  • BSD License
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  • Andreas Pelme
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pytest-django Description

pytest-django is a py.test plugin that provides a set of useful tools for testing Django applications.Changes between orginal and this forkThe original pytest_django module didn't work for me. It was written for django 1.1 and is probably not completely compatible with django 1.2.1.This fork uses django's TestSuite and TestCase to setup the test database and environment instead of implementing the database setup code in the py.test plugin. As a result some command line options have been removed:1. --copy_live_db2. --databaseInstallation python installThen simply create a file in the root of your Django project containing:pytest_plugins = UsageRun py.test in the root directory of your Django project: py.testThis will attempt to import the Django settings and run any tests.Note that the default py.test collector is used, as well as any file within a tests directory. As such, so it will not honour INSTALLED_APPS. You must use collect_ignore in a file to exclude any tests you don't want to be run.See py.test's documentation for more information, including usage of the -k option for selecting specific tests.A --settings option is provided for explicitly setting a settings module, similar to makes py.test's built in unittest support fully backwards compatible with Django's unittest test cases. If they are failing, this is a bug.HooksThe session start/finish and setup/teardown hooks act like Django's test management command and unittest test cases. This includes creating the test database and maintaining a constant test environment, amongst other things.FuncargsclientA Django test client instance.Example:def test_something(client): assert 'Success!' in client.get('/path/')rfAn instance of Simon Willison's excellent RequestFactory.settingsA Django settings object that restores itself after the tests have run, making it safe to modify for testing purposes.Example:def test_middleware(settings, client): settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ('app.middleware.SomeMiddleware',) assert 'Middleware works!' in client.get('/')Decorators@py.test.urlsProvides the ability to change the URLconf for this test, similar to the urls attribute on Django's TestCase.Example:@py.test.urls('myapp.test_urls')def test_something(client): assert 'Success!' in client.get('/some_path/')FixturesFixtures can be loaded with py.test.load_fixture(name). For example:def pytest_funcarg__articles(request): py.test.load_fixture('test_articles') return Article.objects.all()Product's homepage

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