
Integrate the Postmark email service with a Pyramid web application

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pyramid_postmark Description

pyramid_postmark is a package that integrates the Postmark email sending service with a Pyramid web application. It's a very thin layer around the python-postmark library that provides:* `request.mailer`, a configured `postmark.PMBatchMail` instance* `request.send_email` a function to send one or more email messagesThese are integrated by default with the pyramid_tm transaction machinery, so emails are only sent if the current request is successful.InstallInstall using `pip` or `easy_install`, e.g.: pip install pyramid_postmarkConfigureProvide `postmark.api_key` in your application's `.ini` settings: postmark.api_key = < your key >Include the package in the configuration portion of your Pyramid app: config.include('pyramid_postmark')UseYou can then send an email like this: # E.g.: in a view callable / anywhere where you're handling a `request`. from postmark import PMMail email = PMMail(sender='', to='', subject='Subject', html_body='< p >Body< /p >', text_body='Body') request.send_email(email)Or send multiple emails: request.send_email()Or use the batch mailer directly: request.mailer.messages = request.mailer.send()Note that your sender email will need to match your Postmark sender signature.By default, `request.send_email` sends the email iff the current transaction succeeds. You can override this using the `postmark.should_join_tx` flag in your `.ini` settings: postmark.should_join_tx = falseOr when calling `request.send_email`: request.send_email(email, should_join_tx=False)If you're feeling optimisic, you can send the email in the background: request.send_email(email, in_background=True)Note that background sending works whether you send immediately or wait for the current transaction to succeed. i.e.: As and when the email is to be sent, it is send in a background thread using the following code: do_send = thread_cls(target=mailer.send).start if in_background else mailer.sendTestsTested on python2.7 only (as [] is not yet Python3 compatible). Install `mock`, `nose` and `coverage` then e.g.: nosetests --with-coverage --with-doctest --cover-package pyramid_postmark pyramid_postmark ... Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing ------------------------------------------------------ pyramid_postmark 5 0 100% pyramid_postmark.hooks 22 0 100% ------------------------------------------------------ TOTAL 27 0 100% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 0.017s OKProduct's homepage

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