
leo256 is a colored, contrasted theme for long programming sessions for Vim.

leo256 Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • GPL
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Lorenzo Leonini
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2156

leo256 Tags

leo256 Description

leo256 is a colored, contrasted theme for long programming sessions for Vim. leo256 is a colored, contrasted theme for long programming sessions for Vim.Developer commentsIt's my everyday theme.It's colored and contrasted to preserve my tired eyes and to boost my motivation while programming.There is NO GUI VERSION at the moment.Good results with Ruby, Lua, PHP, C, ... But not limited to them, it contains no language specific settings to avoid too much specific tunings and keep its versatility.About Vim:Vim is a text editor first released by Bram Moolenaar in 1991 for the Amiga computer. Vim was created as an extended version of the vi editor, with many additional features designed to be helpful in editing program source code; its full name is Vi IMproved.While Vim is cross-platform, it is most popular on Unix-like operating systems.Released under a software license compatible with the GNU General Public License, Vim is free and open source software. The program's license includes some charityware clauses.Like vi, Vim's interface is based not on menus or icons but on commands given in a text user interface; its GUI mode, gVim, adds menus and toolbars for commonly used commands but the full functionality is still expressed through its command line mode.For many users learning Vim may be difficult and slow initially, but once the basics are understood they progress quickly and editing becomes more efficient. To facilitate this, Vim has a built-in tutorial for beginners. There is also the Vim Users' Manual that details the basic and more advanced Vim features. This manual can be read from within Vim, or found online.Vim also has a built-in help facility (using the :help command) that allows users to query and navigate through commands and features.Requirements:· VimINSTALLATION:Just copy leo.vim into ~/.vim/colors.To use it, issue ':colo leo' in vim and you're done (put 'colo leo' in you .vimrc for a permanent setting).If your term report only 8 colors ('tput colors') you can try to set in you .vimrc set t_Co=256Recent xterm, Eterm, gnome-terminal, konsole support 256 colors.What's New in This Release:· still less bold, little improvements

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