
Settings on steroids for Django

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django-harness Description

Settings on steroids for Django django-harness is a Django plugin that provides typical default settings for a website.Getting started1. install Harness2. create a project layout (you can just copy blank_site or example; in other cases please note that should import harness.settings_wrapper)3. run "./ syncdb && ./ runserver" and point your browser to http://localhost:8000/admin/ -- it works!4. start developing the site: create an application within ./apps, point to in ./ (see below) and edit ./ to hang your app on some URL. To understand things better please read the following sections.Installing HarnessTo begin with, you will probably want to explore the code including the bundled examples. Get a copy of the repository and run the setup script (which installs the "harness" module from the source tree):$ hg clone$ cd django-harness$ sudo python installYou can omit the last step and proceed with the example without installation. Add harness package directory to the Python path (e.g. make a symlink as shown below), initialize the database and run the manager script:$ cd example$ ln -s ../harness example$ ./ syncdb$ ./ runserverThen open in your browser. You should see text "It works :)" which is defined in the example urlconf.There is another example, "blank_site", which can be used as a template for any website that makes use of Harness.Another way to install/update Harness is using EasyInstall:$ sudo easy_install -U settingsPlease note that to get most of Harness you should let it import your settings but not viceversa.This means that should not import your project's directly; it should import harness.settings_wrapper instead, and it will import your settingsSince r18:fb7b28154379 you can also create settings for the local installation. They are stored in the file PROJECT_PATH/settings_local.pyYou should exclude this file from any source control management system you may use.The point is that you can clone a remote website repository to your computer and have all database-related and some other settings overridden so that you can immediately test the code with a local database. Then you can make changes to the code, commit them and push to the server. The local settings will never propagate to the production environment.Application pathsApplications can sit either in PYTHONPATH or in these folders within yout project: * compat -- 3rd party applications * apps -- your own applications and/or forks Technically there is no distinction between these two folders save for the order. And the order is important in case you have two apps of the same name in two folders. This is not an issue, it's a feature. Imagine you have a 3rd party application sitting in the "compat" folder and you want to make some changes to it but you are not sure if they will not break something. Just fork that app to "apps" and Django will now import this copy. If things go wrong, just delete it. If everything is OK, send the patch to that app's author and wait until you can update it and delete your fork. So it's quite convenient. By the way, I usually include apps in the project repository.Extending default settingsHarness imports your settings, so you cannot extend its defaults right in your code.For example, this will not work (NameError will be raised):123 INSTALLED_APPS = INSTALLED_APPS + ( 'my_app',)But you can always specify additional lists by declaring "ADDITIONAL_..." variables: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314 ADDITIONAL_APPS = ( 'django_evolution', 'django.contrib.comments', 'my_app',)ADDITIONAL_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = ADDITIONAL_MIDDLEWARE = ( 'threadlocals.middleware.ThreadLocalsMiddleware', 'debug_toolbar.middleware.DebugToolbarMiddleware',)This can be a bit of a problem in case of middleware. If some middleware must be put in the beginning of the list, then just declare the full list as you would do without Harness:123 MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = ( ...)This way you can overload any variable defined in Harness.Where not to use HarnessIf you find yourself overloading almost everything defined by Harness, or if you actually use a tiny subset of what is defined by Harness in settings or urls, then you should definitely consider sticking to the traditional way, without Harness. It was made to simplify things, not to complicate them.Usage exampleAn example Django project is included. It illustrates a site layout using Django Harness. Here are some key features of "django-harness": · distribute INSTALLED_APPS among PROJECT_PATH/apps and PROJECT_PATH/compat folders in the project; · specify an SQLite database filename relative to the project root; · omit most common settings (including some of the urlconf) or easily extend them; · use two settings files for main and local installations; · automatically serve static, media and admin-media content in debug mode. Requirements: · Django · Python

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