
Python CSV to OpenERP importation library

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  • License:
  • LGPL v3
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Stephane Mangin
  • Publisher web site:
  • https://bitbucket.org/StefMangin/

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csv2oerp Description

csv2oerp is a convenient Python library to import data from CSV format to an OpenERP instance.csv2oerp is a simple and rapid method to perform an import. Through a dictionary (dict-mapping) consisting of OpenERP fields bound to a column of the csv file and includes a search option, you can easily ordered your data before coding any lines as the manner of OpenERP. The structure of this dictionary is simple and intuitive. You can perform processing on a post-import field in particular, omit or modify it. You can also according to criterias, skip a line or do not decide to create an object being processed.Quick startImport csv2oerp and some callbacks:>>> from csv2oerp import Import>>> from csv2oerp.fields import Column, Custom, Relation>>> from csv2oerp.callbacks import get_id, get_idsConfigure OpenERP connection:>>> host = ''>>> port = 8069>>> dbname = 'database'>>> user = 'admin'>>> pwd = 'admin'>>> csv2oerp.connect(host, port, user, pwd, dbname)Create a new importation instance:>>> example_file = Import()Set the CSV file to use:>>> example_file.set_input_file('example_file.csv', ',', '"', 'utf-8')Define a custom callback:>>> def country_code(self, model, field, value, line):... """Return the first two uppered characters... """... return value.upper()Define your mapping to link both csv and OpenERP:>>> example_file.set_mapping({... # Define a base model (Always in list form)... 'res.partner.address': ),... 'street2': Column(),... # Simple fields... 'zip': Column(9),... 'city': Column(10),... 'cedex': Column(68),... 'phone': Column(14),... 'fax': Column(15),... 'email': Column(17),... # Model's relation with dynamic insertion from OpenERP database... # Not native object from OpenERP framework... 'region_id': Custom(11, get_id('res.region', 'name'))... 'dep_id': Custom(12, get_id('res.dep', 'name'))... # Model's relations not updated if exists... 'country_id': Relation('REL_res_partner_address,NO_UPDATE::res.country'),... # Model's relations with unique value between objects... 'partner_id': Relation('REL_res_partner_address::res.partner', search=True),... },... ],... # Define relations between models... 'REL_res_partner_address::res.partner': {... 'name': Column(1),... 'siren': Column(2),... 'website': Column(16),... 'comment': Column(56),... },... # Relation without write if exists... 'REL_res_partner_address,NO_UPDATE::res.country': {... 'code': Column(13, callback=_country_code, search=True),... 'name': Column(13, search=True),... },... })Finally start the import process:>>> example_file.start()And show statistics of objects's activities during the importation process:>>> csv2oerp.show_stats()Product's homepage

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