
A clone of the Windows XP Zune theme for GTK+, Metacity, and XFWM4

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  • Other/Proprietary Li...
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Casey Kirsle
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~kirsle/Tk-HyperText-0.06/lib/Tk/HyperText.pm

Zune Tags

Zune Description

A clone of the Windows XP Zune theme for GTK+, Metacity, and XFWM4 Zune is an "evolution" of the old Metacity/XFWM4-only Zune theme. Gnome-Look's edit system is broken so it keeps forgetting all the changes I try to make to my last submission so I have to make a new one.The GTK+ theme is based on the RoyaleXP by Gnominator.Developer commentsI replaced most of the Royale graphics in the theme with graphics from Windows XP's Zune theme, and also fixed some bugs that were present in the Royale theme (e.g. checkbox graphics were messed up). Besides that all the credit for the theme coding goes to Gnominator!Zune is my favorite official Windows XP theme, so now I can enjoy it within Linux too!I find it works really well with the GnomeXP icon theme to get that complete Windows XP Zune look: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GnomeXP?content=69587This distro also ships with the orange Zune start button, which can be used as your GNOME or XFCE Main Menu applets. Along with the classic Windows logo version, there's also a GNOME logo (featured in the screenshots) and a Fedora logo. If you'd like to make your own, I left the PSD file in the distribution.How to install?· Right click on your desktop and select Change Desktop Background· Click on the first tab: Theme· Drag and drop the theme's archive in the Appearance Preferences window.· If everything is OK, you will receive a confirmation message and you can activate the theme just by clicking on it.About GNOME:GNOME is an international effort to build a complete desktop environment—the graphical user interface which sits on top of a computer operating system—entirely from free software. This goal includes creating software development frameworks, selecting application software for the desktop, and working on the programs which manage application launching, file handling, and window and task management.GNOME is part of the GNU Project and can be used with various Unix-like operating systems, most notably Linux, and as part of Java Desktop System in Solaris.The name originally stood for GNU Network Object Model Environment, though this acronym is deprecated. The GNOME project puts heavy emphasis on simplicity, usability, and making things “just work”. Requirements: · gtk+ · GNOME

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