
WWW::Yahoo::Groups is an automated access to Yahoo! Groups archives.

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  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Iain Truskett
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~autrijus/Test-Signature-1.06/lib/Test/Signature.pm

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WWW::Yahoo::Groups Description

WWW::Yahoo::Groups is an automated access to Yahoo! Groups archives. WWW::Yahoo::Groups is an automated access to Yahoo! Groups archives.SYNOPSIS my $y = WWW::Yahoo::Groups->new(); $y->login( $user => $pass ); $y->list( 'Jade_Pagoda' ); my $email = $y->fetch_message( 2345 ); # Error catching my $email = eval { $y->fetch_message( 93848 ) }; if ( $@ and ref $@ and $@->isa('X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups') ) { warn "Problem: ".$@->error; }WWW::Yahoo::Groups retrieves messages from the archive of Yahoo Groups. It provides a simple OO interface to logging in and retrieving said messages which you may then do with as you will.Things it doesHandles access to restricted archives. It lets you login.Handles the intermittent advertisements. It notes that it got one and progresses straight to the message.Handle adult confirmation requests. It just goes straight on.Handles attachments. We get the source which happens to be the raw stuff.Sanity checking. Could be improved, but it will generally barf if it doesn't understand something.Header restoration. I've found that some groups' archives have unusually corrupted headers. Evidently it would be beneficial to restore these headers. As far as I can tell, it comes from not being a moderator on the lists in question.USAGETry to be a well behaved bot and sleep() for a few seconds (at least) after doing things. It's considered polite. There's an autosleep method that should be useful for this. Recently, this has been set to a default of 1 second. Feel free to tweak if necessary.If you're used to seeing munged email addresses when you view the message archive (i.e. you're not a moderator or owner of the group) then you'll be pleased to know that WWW::Yahoo::Groups can demunge those email addresses.All exceptions are subclasses of X::WWW::Yahoo::Groups, itself a subclass of Exception::Class. See WWW::Yahoo::Groups::Errors for details. Requirements: · Perl

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