
A light-weight server monitoring system

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  • Alice Bevan-McGregor
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Pygios Description

A light-weight server monitoring system Pygios is a simple and light-weight server monitoring system written in Python.Installation:To install, run `easy_install Pygios` or `pip install Pygios`.To use, download and sample.ini, then customize to suit your application and notification requirements.The following are partially complete or ideas for future check routines.# Ok, warning, and critical values as Decimals.CheckProcessMemoryUsage(ok, warning, critical, user=None)# Check RSS of all running processes for processes using too much RAM.# If user is None, check everyone, otherwise only check processes owned by the given user or users (if an iterable is passed in).CheckINIConfiguration(ok, warning, critical, file, section, key, value)# If ok, warning, and critical are numeric, the INI value will be coerced into a comparable type.# Conversion failure is treated as critical.CheckFilesystemUsage(ok, warning, critical, label=None, device=None, mount=None)# One of, and only one of label, device, or mount must be supplied.# Ok, warning, and critical levels are Decimal percentages.CheckSMARTStatus(device=None)# Check the HDD SMART status for all (None) or the given device.# Any error is critical, unable to check is a warning.CheckCommandStatus(ok, warning, critical, command)# Execute command within a shell environment and compare the exit status.# Ok, warning, and critical may be iterable.CheckCommandOutput(ok, warning, critical, command)# Execute command within a shell environment and compare STDOUT.# Ok, warning, and critical may or may not be an iterable returning strings, regular expressions, or they can be callback functions.CheckMemoryUsage(ok, warning, critical)# Check to the amount of free memory (not including buffers or cache).# Ok, warning, and critical may be integers (bytes), or Decimal percentage values.# Uses proc if available, otherwise tries to parse the result of the `free` command.CheckSwapUsage(ok, warning, critical)# Monitor using /proc file descriptors.CheckNetworkInterfaceStatus(interface=None)# Determine if a network interface is usable. If no interface is given, check them all.CheckNetworkInterfacePacketRate(ok, warning, critical, interface=None)CheckNetworkInterfaceIP(ok, warning, critical, interface)# Check to see if the given network interface has an address other than expected.# Ok, warning, and critical values may or may not be iterables returning strings, regular expressions, or callback functions.CheckNetworkInterfaceTraffic(ok, warning, critical, interface, kind=enum('tx', 'rx'))# Check bytes per second throughput on the given network interface.CheckNetworkConnections(ok, warning, critical, port=None)# Check the number of open network connections.# Port may be None (report all), a single integer, or an iterable returning integers.CheckNetworkPort(kind=enum('tcp', 'udp'), port)# Check that one or more ports are being listened to.CheckHostLatency(ok, warning, critical, host, interface=None)CheckHostJitter() # standard deviation checkCheckHostPacketLoss()# Ping the given host. Levels are milliseconds as Decimal values.# If interface is specified, route ICMP packets using the given interface only.CheckHostHops()# TracerouteCheckGLSA()# Check for Gentoo Linux Security Advisories.# Any vulnerabilities is critical, unable to check is a warning.# CheckPortageUpdates()# emerge -uDN -p world | grep \[ | wc -l# > 0 = warningCheckClamAV(ok, warning, critical)# Check the age (in revisions) your ClamAV virus definitions lag behind current.# DNS TXT query against -- e.g. "0.95.2:51:9759:1251633627:1:43:8055"CheckRBL(host, blacklist=None)# Check if a given host has been black-listed on any of the common public RBLs, or the specific one given.# Warning if unable to check.CheckFolderContents(ok, warning, critical, path)# Check for the given file(s) (string or Path objects) or for a count of the folder contents.CheckFileAge(ok, warning, critical, path, recursive=False, kind=enum('oldest', 'newest'), date=enum('modify', 'create', 'access'))# Check file(s) identified by or contained within the given path (file reference / folder reference), optionally recursively, for freshness.# Levels are timedeltas. Defaults to the newest file, if multiple or directory specified.CheckUsers(ok, warning, critical, user=None)# Check the number of logged-in users if user=None, otherwise check to see if the given user or users are logged in.CheckPO3Account()CheckIMAPAccount()CheckSMTPAccount()CheckIMAPQuota()CheckApache2Status()CheckHTTPRequest() # Check a URL for a given status code or substring/regular expression in the returned content.CheckPHPSessions() # Check the number of active PHP session files from the folder defined in PHP.ini.# On startup, run a PHP snippit to echo the session path. Requirements: · Python

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