
Pod::WikiDoc is a Perl module to generate Pod from inline wiki style text.

Pod::WikiDoc Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • David A. Golden
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~dagolden/CPAN-Reporter-Smoker-0.15/lib/CPAN/Reporter/Smoker.pod

Pod::WikiDoc Tags

Pod::WikiDoc Description

Pod::WikiDoc is a Perl module to generate Pod from inline wiki style text. Pod::WikiDoc is a Perl module to generate Pod from inline wiki style text.SYNOPSISIn a source file, Pod format-block style: =begin wikidoc = POD FORMAT-BLOCK STYLE Write documentation with *bold*, ~italic~ or {code} markup. Create a link to . Substitute for user-defined %%KEYWORD%%. Indent for verbatim paragraphs * bullet * point * list 0 sequentially 0 numbered 0 list = end wikidocIn a source file, wikidoc comment-block style: ### = WIKIDOC COMMENT-BLOCK STYLE ### ### Optionally, can extract from ### specially-marked comment blocksGenerate Pod from wikidoc, programmatically: use Pod::WikiDoc; my $parser = Pod::WikiDoc->new( { comment_blocks => 1, keywords => { KEYWORD => "foo" }, } ); $parser->filter( { input => "my_module.pm", output => "my_module.pod" } );Generate Pod from wikidoc, via command line: $ wikidoc -c my_module.pm my_module.podPod works well, but writing it can be time-consuming and tedious. For example, commonly used layouts like lists require numerous lines of text to make just a couple of simple points. An alternative approach is to write documentation in a wiki-text shorthand (referred to here as wikidoc) and use Pod::WikiDoc to extract it and convert it into its corresponding Pod as a separate .pod file.Documentation written in wikidoc may be embedded in Pod format blocks, or, optionally, in specially marked comment blocks. Wikidoc uses simple text-based markup like wiki websites to indicate formatting and links. (See "WIKIDOC MARKUP", below.)Pod::WikiDoc processes text files (or text strings) by extracting both existing Pod and wikidoc, converting the wikidoc to Pod, and then writing the combined document back to a file or standard output.Summary of major features of Pod::WikiDoc:· Extracts and converts wikidoc from Pod format blocks or special wikidoc comment blocks· Extracts and preserves existing Pod· Provides bold, italic, code, and link markup· Substitutes user-defined keywords· Automatically converts special symbols in wikidoc to their Pod escape equivalents, e.g. E< lt >, E< gt >· Preserves other Pod escape sequences, e.g. E< euro >In addition, Pod::WikiDoc provides a command-line utility, wikidoc, to simplify wikidoc translation.See the Pod::WikiDoc::Cookbook for more detailed usage examples, including how to automate .pod generation when using Module::Build. Requirements: · Perl

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