
PhpGedView parses GEDCOM 5.5 genealogy files and displays them on the Internet in formats and charts.

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  • GPL
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  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • John Finlay
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PhpGedView Description

PhpGedView parses GEDCOM 5.5 genealogy files and displays them on the Internet in formats and charts. PhpGedView parses GEDCOM 5.5 genealogy files and displays them on the Internet in formats and charts. PhpGedView project is designed to be a tool for online collaboration. All it requires to run is a PHP-enabled Web server and a Gedcom file.Requirements:Web server A web server such as apache is required to serve the web pages over the internet. PHP v5+ Your web server needs to be running PHP version 4.4 or greater to generate dynamic HTML pages and use all of PhpGedView 4.1.x functions. Database You will need at least 1 database and a username and password to access it. PhpGedView primarily supports MySQL, but has also been tested and shown to work with Postgresql, SQLite, and SQL-Server. The versions required for each of these databases is outlined below: MySQL 3.23+ PostgresQL 8.0+ SQLite available through PDO-SQLite which is included in PHP 5 MS SQL-Server 2003+ Web space At least 20MB of web space on the web server. You will need more than this if you intend to store multimedia linked to individuals. GD Graphics Library (optional) You may wish to install the GD Graphics Library which can then be used by PhpGedView for image manipulation such as creating thumnails. This can be important in saving bandwidth if large images (photos and scanned documents) are used in the genealogy. Freetype Library (optional) If Freetype is installed, you will have access to the "Circle Diagram" in the Charts menu. You will also get better watermarking from the Media Firewall. Calendar (optional) This is required for Jewish dates/calendars wish to be used. zlib (optional) If the web server being used by your ISP or web host is the apache web server, it can be configured to send data over the internet in a compressed form using the zlib library - this will save bandwidth. To enable this compression, your ISP or web host needs to add the following lines to the php.ini file:php_flag zlib.output_compression Onphp_value zlib.output_compression_level 5Alternatively, your ISP or web host may allow you to make these changes yourself. Simply create a file called .htaccess (including the leading dot) in your PhpGedView directory on the web server and add the above two lines to it. What's New in This Release: · This release includes hundreds of bugs fixes and feature enhancements. · Note that PhpGedView 4.2 requires PHP 5.2 or later. If you cannot upgrade your server, then the latest version you can use is 4.1.7.

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