
Perl Crypto Extention to OpenSSL.

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OpenCA::OpenSSL Description

Perl Crypto Extention to OpenSSL. OpenCA::OpenSSL is a Perl Crypto extention to OpenSSL.SYNOPSIS use OpenCA::OpenSSL;This Perl Module implements an interface to the openssl backend program. It actually uses the openssl command and it is not fully integrated as PERL/C mixture.Passing parameters to functions should be very simple as them have no particular order and have, often, self-explaining name. Each parameter should be passed to the function like this: ... ( NAME=>VALUE, NAME=>VALUE, ... );FUNCTIONSsub new () - Creates a new Class instance. This functions creates a new instance of the class. It accepts only one parameter: the path to the backend command (openssl). This is due because if it cannot find the openssl command it will return an uninitialized class (default value is /usr/bin/ openssl which may not fit many distributions/OSs) EXAMPLE: my $openssl->new OpenCA::OpenSSL( $path );sub setParams () - Set internal module variables. This function can handle the internal module data such as the backend path or the tmp dir. Accepted parameters are: SHELL - Path to the openssl command. CONFIG - Path to the openssl config file. TMPDIR - Temporary files directory. STDERR - Where to redirect the STDERR file. (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: $openssl->setParams( SHELL=>'/usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl', CONFIG=>$ca/stuff/openssl.cnf, TMPDIR=>'/tmp', STDERR=>'/dev/null' );sub errno () - Get last command errno value. This functions returns last operation's errno value. Non zero value means there has been an error. EXAMPLE: print $openssl->errno;sub errval () - Get last command errval value. This functions returns last operation's errval value. This value usually has a brief error description. EXAMPLE: print $openssl->errval;sub genKey () - Generate a private Key. This functions let you generate a new private key. Accepted parameters are: BITS - key lengh in bits(*); OUTFILE - Output file name(*); ALGORITHM - Encryption Algorithm to be used(*); PASSWD - Password to be used when encrypting(*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: my $key = $openssl->genKey( BITS=>1024 );sub genReq () - Generate a new Request. This function generate a new certificate request. Accepted parameters are: OUTFILE - Output file(*); KEYFILE - File containing the key; PASSWD - Password to decript key (if needed) (*); DN - Subject list (as required by openssl, see the openssl.cnf doc on policy); SUBJECT - DN string (use this instead of passing separate attributes list)(*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: my $req = $openssl->genReq( KEYFILE=>"00_key.pem", DN => ); my $req = $openssl->genReq( KEYFILE=>"00_key.pem", SUBJECT => "CN=Madwolf, O=OpenCA, C=IT" );sub genCert () - Generate a certificate from a request. This function let you generate a new certificate starting from the request file. It is used for self-signed certificate as it simply converts the request into a x509 structure. Accepted parameters are: OUTFILE - Output file(*); KEYFILE - File containing the private key; REQFILE - Request File; PASSWD - Password to decrypt private key(*); DAYS - Validity days(*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: $cert = $openssl->genCert( KEYFILE=>"priv_key.pem", REQFILE=>"req.pem", DAYS=>"720" );sub crl2pkcs7 () - Convert a crl and/or certs into pkcs7 structure. This function converts certificates (optional) and a crl (also optional) into a pkcs7 structure. It is used to build strucutures to load certificates/crls into some browsers. Accepted parameters are: DATA - PEM|DER formatted CRL(*); INFORM - Input crl format (DER|PEM) (*); OUTFORM - Output pkcs7 structure format (DER|PEM) (*); INFILE - Input crl file (*); OUTFILE - Output pkcs7 file (*); CERTSLIST - List of files containing certificates to be added to the pkcs7 structure (*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: $pkcs7 = $openssl->crl2pkcs7( DATA=>$crl->getPEM(), CERTSLIST=>);sub dataConvert () - Convert data to different format. This functions will convert data you pass to another format. Ir requires you to provide with the data's type and IN/OUT format. Accepted parameters are: DATA - Data to be processed; INFILE - Data file to be processed (one of DATA and INFILE are required and exclusive); KEYFILE - file with the priv. key (* PEM to PKCS12 only). Not needed if key is presented in DATA or INFILE too. DATATYPE - Data type ( CRL | CERTIFICATE | REQUEST ); OUTFORM - Output format (PEM|DER|NET|TXT)(*); INFORM - Input format (PEM|DER|NET|TXT)(*); OUTFILE - Output file(*); PASSWD - priv. key password (* PKCS12 to PEM only) omitting the PASSWD leads into an unencrypted priv. key ALGO - des,des3 or idea. Default is des3 encryption for priv. key P12PASSWD - PKCS12 export password (* only needed for PKCS12) NOKEYS - extract only the certificate (* PKCS12 to PEM only) No need for the PASSWD parameter with this option. CACERT - CA-certificate to add if OUTFORM is PKCS#12 (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLES: # PEM file to TXT format print $openssl->dataConvert( INFILE=>"crl.pem", OUTFORM=>"TXT" ); # PEM file to PKCS12 format, priv key will be des3 encrypted print $openssl->dataConvert( INFILE=>"crl.pem", DATATYPE=>'CERTIFICATE', OUTFORM=>"PKCS12", PASSWD=>$pem_pass, P12PASSWD=>$export_pass ); # PKCS12 data to PEM formated certificate (no key) print $openssl->dataConvert( DATA=>$pkcs12_cert, DATATYPE=>'CERTIFICATE', INFORM=>"PKCS12", NOKEYS=>1, P12PASSWD=>$export_pass );sub issueCert () - Issue a certificate. This function should be used when you have a CA certificate and a request (either DER|PEM|SPKAC) and want to issue the certificate. Parameters used will override the configuration values (remember to set to appropriate value the CONFIG with the setParams func). Accepted parameters are: REQDATA - Request; REQFILE - File containing the request (one of REQDATA, REQFILE or REQFILES are required); REQFILES - An array ref to an array of files that contain the request. OUTDIR - What directory to put the files from REQFILES. (This is required iff you use REQFILES.) INFORM - Input format (PEM|DER|NET|SPKAC)(*); PRESERVE_DN - Preserve DN order (Y|N)(*); CA_NAME - CA sub section to be used (take a look at the OpenSSL docs for adding support of multiple CAs to the conf file)(*); CAKEY - CA key file; CACERT - CA certificate file; DAYS - Days the certificate will be valid(*); START_DATE - Starting validity date (YYMMDDHHMMSSZ)(*); END_DATE - Ending validity date (YYMMDDHHMMSSZ)(*); PASSWD - Password to decrypt priv. CA key(*); EXTS - Extentions to be used (configuration section of the openssl.cnf file)(*); REQTYPE - Request type (NETSCAPE|MSIE)(*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: $openssl->issueCert( REQFILE=>"myreq", INFORM=>SPKAC, PRESERVE_DN=>Y, CAKEY=>$ca/private/cakey.pem, CACERT=>$ca/cacert.pem, PASSWD=>$passwd, REQTYPE=>NETSCAPE );sub revoke () - Revoke a certificate. This function is used to revoke a certificate. Accepted parameters are: CAKEY - CA private key file(*); CACERT - CA certificate file(*); PASSWD - Password to decrypt priv. CA key(*); INFILE - Input PEM formatted certificate filename(*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: if( not $openssl->revoke( INFILE=>$certFile ) ) { print "Error while revoking certificate!"; }sub issueCrl () - Issue a CRL. This function is used to issue a CRL. Accepted parameters are: CAKEY - CA private key file; CACERT - CA certificate file; PASSWD - Password to decrypt priv. CA key(*); DAYS - Days the CRL will be valid for(*); EXTS - Extentions to be added ( see the openssl.cnf pages for more help on this )(*); EXTFILE - Extensions file to be used (*); OUTFILE - Output file(*); OUTFORM - Output format (PEM|DER|NET|TXT)(*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: print $openssl->issueCrl( CAKEY=>"$ca/private/cakey.pem", CACERT=>"$ca/cacert.pem", DAYS=>7, OUTFORM=>TXT );sub SPKAC () - Get SPKAC infos. This function returns a text containing all major info about an spkac structure. Accepted parameters are: SPKAC - spkac data ( SPKAC = .... ) (*); INFILE - An spkac request file (*); OUTFILE - Output file (*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: print $openssl->SPKAC( SPKAC=>$data, OUTFILE=>$target );sub pkcs7Certs () - Get PKCS7 structure certificate(s). This function returns a PEM formatted (file or ret value) contained in the pkcs7 structure. Accepted parameters are: PKCS7 - pkcs7 data (*); INFILE - A pkcs7 (signature?) file (*); OUTFILE - Output file (*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: print $openssl->pkcs7Cert( PKCS7=>$data, OUTFILE=>$target );sub getDigest () - Get a message digest. This function returns a message digest. Default digest algorithm used is MD5. Accepted parameters are: DATA - Data on which to perform digest; ALGORITHM - Algorithm to be used(*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: print $openssl->getDigest( DATA=>$data, ALGORITHM=>sha1);sub updateDB () - Updates the OpenSSL index.txt This functions updates the index.txt file and returns the output of the command in the form: < SER >=Expired Accepted parameters are: CAKEY - CA private key file; CACERT - CA certificate file; PASSWD - Password to decrypt priv. CA key(*); OUTFILE - Output file(*); (*) - Optional parameters; EXAMPLE: $ret = $openssl->updateDB();Exportable constants CTX_TEST EXFLAG_BCONS EXFLAG_CA EXFLAG_INVALID EXFLAG_KUSAGE EXFLAG_NSCERT EXFLAG_SET EXFLAG_SS EXFLAG_V1 EXFLAG_XKUSAGE GEN_DIRNAME GEN_DNS GEN_EDIPARTY GEN_EMAIL GEN_IPADD GEN_OTHERNAME GEN_RID GEN_URI GEN_X400 KU_CRL_SIGN KU_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT KU_DECIPHER_ONLY KU_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE KU_ENCIPHER_ONLY KU_KEY_AGREEMENT KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN KU_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT KU_NON_REPUDIATION NS_OBJSIGN NS_OBJSIGN_CA NS_SMIME NS_SMIME_CA NS_SSL_CA NS_SSL_CLIENT NS_SSL_SERVER X509V3_EXT_CTX_DEP X509V3_EXT_DYNAMIC X509V3_EXT_MULTILINE X509V3_F_COPY_EMAIL X509V3_F_COPY_ISSUER X509V3_F_DO_EXT_CONF X509V3_F_DO_EXT_I2D X509V3_F_HEX_TO_STRING X509V3_F_I2S_ASN1_ENUMERATED X509V3_F_I2S_ASN1_INTEGER X509V3_F_I2V_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS X509V3_F_NOTICE_SECTION X509V3_F_NREF_NOS X509V3_F_POLICY_SECTION X509V3_F_R2I_CERTPOL X509V3_F_S2I_ASN1_IA5STRING X509V3_F_S2I_ASN1_INTEGER X509V3_F_S2I_ASN1_OCTET_STRING X509V3_F_S2I_ASN1_SKEY_ID X509V3_F_S2I_S2I_SKEY_ID X509V3_F_STRING_TO_HEX X509V3_F_SXNET_ADD_ASC X509V3_F_SXNET_ADD_ID_INTEGER X509V3_F_SXNET_ADD_ID_ULONG X509V3_F_SXNET_GET_ID_ASC X509V3_F_SXNET_GET_ID_ULONG X509V3_F_V2I_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION X509V3_F_V2I_ASN1_BIT_STRING X509V3_F_V2I_AUTHORITY_KEYID X509V3_F_V2I_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS X509V3_F_V2I_CRLD X509V3_F_V2I_EXT_KU X509V3_F_V2I_GENERAL_NAME X509V3_F_V2I_GENERAL_NAMES X509V3_F_V3_GENERIC_EXTENSION X509V3_F_X509V3_ADD_VALUE X509V3_F_X509V3_EXT_ADD X509V3_F_X509V3_EXT_ADD_ALIAS X509V3_F_X509V3_EXT_CONF X509V3_F_X509V3_EXT_I2D X509V3_F_X509V3_GET_VALUE_BOOL X509V3_F_X509V3_PARSE_LIST X509V3_F_X509_PURPOSE_ADD X509V3_R_BAD_IP_ADDRESS X509V3_R_BAD_OBJECT X509V3_R_BN_DEC2BN_ERROR X509V3_R_BN_TO_ASN1_INTEGER_ERROR X509V3_R_DUPLICATE_ZONE_ID X509V3_R_ERROR_CONVERTING_ZONE X509V3_R_ERROR_IN_EXTENSION X509V3_R_EXPECTED_A_SECTION_NAME X509V3_R_EXTENSION_NAME_ERROR X509V3_R_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND X509V3_R_EXTENSION_SETTING_NOT_SUPPORTED X509V3_R_EXTENSION_VALUE_ERROR X509V3_R_ILLEGAL_HEX_DIGIT X509V3_R_INVALID_BOOLEAN_STRING X509V3_R_INVALID_EXTENSION_STRING X509V3_R_INVALID_NAME X509V3_R_INVALID_NULL_ARGUMENT X509V3_R_INVALID_NULL_NAME X509V3_R_INVALID_NULL_VALUE X509V3_R_INVALID_NUMBER X509V3_R_INVALID_NUMBERS X509V3_R_INVALID_OBJECT_IDENTIFIER X509V3_R_INVALID_OPTION X509V3_R_INVALID_POLICY_IDENTIFIER X509V3_R_INVALID_SECTION X509V3_R_INVALID_SYNTAX X509V3_R_ISSUER_DECODE_ERROR X509V3_R_MISSING_VALUE X509V3_R_NEED_ORGANIZATION_AND_NUMBERS X509V3_R_NO_CONFIG_DATABASE X509V3_R_NO_ISSUER_CERTIFICATE X509V3_R_NO_ISSUER_DETAILS X509V3_R_NO_POLICY_IDENTIFIER X509V3_R_NO_PUBLIC_KEY X509V3_R_NO_SUBJECT_DETAILS X509V3_R_ODD_NUMBER_OF_DIGITS X509V3_R_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_DETAILS X509V3_R_UNABLE_TO_GET_ISSUER_KEYID X509V3_R_UNKNOWN_BIT_STRING_ARGUMENT X509V3_R_UNKNOWN_EXTENSION X509V3_R_UNKNOWN_EXTENSION_NAME X509V3_R_UNKNOWN_OPTION X509V3_R_UNSUPPORTED_OPTION X509V3_R_USER_TOO_LONG X509_PURPOSE_ANY X509_PURPOSE_CRL_SIGN X509_PURPOSE_DYNAMIC X509_PURPOSE_DYNAMIC_NAME X509_PURPOSE_MAX X509_PURPOSE_MIN X509_PURPOSE_NS_SSL_SERVER X509_PURPOSE_SMIME_ENCRYPT X509_PURPOSE_SMIME_SIGN X509_PURPOSE_SSL_CLIENT X509_PURPOSE_SSL_SERVER XKU_CODE_SIGN XKU_SGC XKU_SMIME XKU_SSL_CLIENT XKU_SSL_SERVER Requirements: · Perl

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