
Net::DBus::Tutorial::ExportingObjects is a Perl module that contains tutorials on providing a DBus service.

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Net::DBus::Tutorial::ExportingObjects Description

Net::DBus::Tutorial::ExportingObjects is a Perl module that contains tutorials on providing a DBus service. Net::DBus::Tutorial::ExportingObjects is a Perl module that contains tutorials on providing a DBus service.This document provides a tutorial on providing a DBus service using the Perl Net::DBus application bindings. This examples in this document will be based on the code from the Music::Player distribution, which is a simple DBus service providing a music track player.CREATING AN OBJECTThe first step in creating an object is to create a new package which inherits from Net::DBus::Object. The Music::Player::Manager object provides an API for managing the collection of music player backends for different track types. To start with, lets create the skeleton of the package & its constructor. The constructor of the super type, Net::DBus::Object expects to be given to parameters, a handle to the Net::DBus::Service owning the object, and a path under which the object shall be exported. Since the manager class is intended to be a singleton object, we can hard code the path to it within the constructor: package Music::Player::Manager; use base qw(Net::DBus); sub new { my $class = shift; my $service = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($service, "/music/player/manager"); bless $self, $class; return $self; } 1;Now, as mentioned, the manager with handle a number of different player backends. So we need to provide methods for registering new backends, and querying for backends capable of playing a particular file type. So modifying the above code we add a hash table in the constructor, to store the backends: sub new { my $class = shift; my $service = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($service, "/music/player/manager"); $self->{backends} = {}; bless $self, $class; return $self; }And now a method to register a new backend. This takes a Perl module name and uses it to instantiate a backend. Since the backends are also going to be DBus objects, we need to pass in a reference to the service we are attached to, along with a path under which to register the backend.We use the get_service method to retreieve a reference to the service the manager is attached to, and attach the player backend to this same service: When a method on DBus object is invoked, the first parameter is the object reference ($self), and the remainder are the parameters provided to the method call. Thus writing a method implementation on a DBUs is really no different to normal object oriented Perl (cf perltoot): sub register_backend { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $module = shift; eval "use $module"; if ($@) { die "cannot load backend $module: $@" ; } $self->{backends} = $module->new($self->get_service, "/music/player/backend/$name"); }Looking at this one might wonder what happens if the die method is triggered. In such a scenario, rather than terminating the service process, the error will be caught and propagated back to the remote caller to deal with.The player backends provide a method get_track_types which returns an array reference of the music track types they support. We can use this method to provide an API to allow easy retrieval of a backend for a particular track type. This method will return a path with which the backend object can be accessed sub find_backend { my $self = shift; my $extension = shift; foreach my $name (keys %{$self->{backends}}) { my $backend = $self->{backends}->{$name}; foreach my $type (@{$backend->get_track_types}) { if ($type eq $extension) { return $backend->get_object_path; } } } die "no backend for type $extension"; }Lets take a quick moment to consider how this method would be used to play a music track. If you've not already done so, refresh your memory from Net::DBus::Tutorial::UsingObjects. Now, we have an MP3 file which we wish to play, so we search for the path to a backend, then retrieve the object for it, and play the track: ...get the music player service... # Ask for a path to a player for mp3 files my $path = $service->find_backend("mp3"); # $path now contains '/music/player/backend/mpg123' # and we can get the backend object my $backend = $service->get_object($path); # and finally play the track $backend->play("/vol/music/beck/guero/09-scarecrow.mp3"); Requirements: · Perl

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