
HTML::GMap distribution tutorial.

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  • Payan Canaran
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HTML::GMap::Tutorial Description

HTML::GMap distribution tutorial. HTML::GMap::Tutorial is a Perl HTML::GMap distribution tutorial.Google Maps service provides an AJAX-based geographic map and a Javascript API that allows operations such as overlaying images and lines on the geographic map. The map can be dragged using the mouse.HTML::GMap wraps around the Google Maps API and provides a generic Perl infrastructure that can be used to easily build interactive web applications that display geographic data stored in a database. HTML::GMap handles HTML page rendering, graph/icon generation, Javascript components and interaction with the underlying database.For example, let's say that you have a database that contains locations of stores that belong to a grocery store chain. Each row in your database contains the name of the store, its geographic location (a latitude and a longitude) and some additional properties of each store such as whether the store has a pharmacy department and whether the store is open 24-hours. Using HTML::GMap you can easily set up a page which displays the stores on a geographic map. You can display stores that have a pharmacy store as a square icon and ones that do not as a triangle icon. You can display stores that are open 24-hours with orange icons and ones which are not as blue icons. Up to two properties can be used in this manner. Using HTML::GMap you can set up filters on the side of the view. The user can select from a drop-down list, the stores that are open 24-hours and click filter to display only the ones that match the criteria.HTML::GMap can be used to view data cumulatively using pie charts as well. For example, let's say that you have a database of physicians. Each row in your database contains the name of the physician, his/her geographic location (a latitude and a longitude) and some additional properties such as physicians specialty and whether he/she accepts a particular insurance plan. Using HTML::GMap you can display this information easily on a geographic map. The map is divided into a 10x10 grid based on equal latitudes and longitudes. For each tile, a pie chart is generated on-the-fly with each move of the map and distribution of physician specialties for each tile is displayed. Since map can be zoomed in and out, the tiles can be made larger and smaller. A filter is displayed on the side so that only a single specialty or whether a physician accepts the insurance plan can be selected for views. Requirements: · Perl

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