
Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing is an Apache-resident crypto tool (Blowfish).

Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Barry King
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~wyrd/Apache-Wyrd-0.98/Wyrd/Services/CodeRing.pm

Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing Tags

Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing Description

Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing is an Apache-resident crypto tool (Blowfish). Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing is an Apache-resident crypto tool (Blowfish).SYNOPSIS my $cr1 = Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing->new; my $key = $cr1->key; my $secret = "The turtle moves!" my $cytext = $cr1->encrypt($secret); my $cr2 = Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing->new({key => $key}); my $plaintext = ($cr2->decrypt($crptext) || die "Key or cypher text was corrupt");The CodeRing is an encryption/decryption object for use primarily for encrypting state information into cookies or hidden variables without exposing the data to deconstruction or corruption in transference.It uses the blowfish algorithm via either a Crypt::Blowfish or Crypt::Blowfish_PP module, depending on which one compiles on this system, preferring the C-based one.The CodeRing uses an internal hashing algorithm (SHA) to check the validity of the decrypt. If the decrypt shows alteration, it returns an empty string.Unless the CodeRing is given a key on initialization, it uses an instance of the Apache::Wyrd::Services::Key class, which is designed to be a constant in primary server memory space. The Key, in this case, is "known" only to the Apache process, and is regenerated on each restart. Requirements: · Perl

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