A class to communicate with the AFS Basic Overseer Server

AFS::BOS Ranking & Summary


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  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Norbert E. Gruener
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AFS::BOS Description

A class to communicate with the AFS Basic Overseer Server AFS::BOS is a Perl module to communicate with the AFS Basic Overseer Server.SYNOPSIS use AFS::BOS; my $bos = AFS::BOS->new('server'); my $ok = $bos->addhost('hostname'); my ($cell, $hosts) = $bos->listhosts; $ok = $bos->removehost('hostname'); $bos->DESTROY; # destroy server connection $bos = AFS::BOS->new('server'); $ok = $bos->addkey(11, 'My Secret'); my ($date, $keys) = $bos->listkeys; $ok = $bos->removekey(); $ok = $bos->adduser('username'); my @users = $bos->listusers; $ok = $bos->removeuser('username'); my ($generalTime, $newBinaryTime) = $bos->getrestart; my ($general, $newbinary, $time) = (1, 0, 'sat 4:00'); $ok = $bos->setrestart($time, $general, $newbinary); $ok = $bos->startup; my $status = $bos->status; $ok = $bos->shutdown; $ok = $bos->start(); $ok = $bos->restart(); $ok = $bos->restart_bos; $ok = $bos->restart_all; $ok = $bos->stop(); my $restricted = $bos->getrestricted; $ok = $bos->setrestricted('on'); $ok = $bos->create('kaserver', 'simple', ); $ok = $bos->delete('instance'); $ok = $bos->exec('/sbin/shutdown -r now'); my @logentries = $bos->getlog('FileLog'); my ($all, $bak, $old, $core) = (0, 0, 0, 1); $ok = $bos->prune($all, $bak, $old, $core); $ok = $bos->salvage('/vicepa'); $ok = $bos->setauth('on'); $ok = $bos->setcellname('');This class is used to communicate with a AFS Basic Overseer Server, which runs on every AFS server machine. It monitors and administers the other server processes on that machine. It has also methods to maintain system configuration files.Before you can submit any tasks to a Basic OverSeer (BOS) Server you must establish a connection to a BOS Server. This is done by the constructor method new which returns a BOS object. A BOS object is essentially a handle to talk to a Basic OverSeer Server on a given server machine. Such a BOS object is required before any of the other BOS instance methods can be called. Requirements: · Perl

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